It's Time to Take the Plunge!
Provide a map to guide you in determining what actions you should be taking NOW due to the tenuous state of affairs of the world.

Fundamental Principles/Truths at Play
  1. We are responsible for our choices. We are agents unto ourselves.

Steps to Take
  1. Realize there may be more seriousness and urgency to what is going on in the world around us than heretofore acknowledged. (DESIRE to understand more.) (Hypothesis Page-our world is about to be rocked!)
  2. RESEARCH it. (Resources Page-this is something you must do for yourself. You cannot trust anyone else's advice, including mine!) Validate that there may be something to this. Richard Maybury's 'Uncle Eric' series of books are by far the most comprehensive and easiest-to-understand source for opening our eyes to what I have come to accept as the truth. I highly recommend you start reading them immediately; time is of the essence! Of course if you really want to know what the future holds, you will need to turn to the Lord's prophets. 
  3. BELIEVE! More research, soul searching, turning to God. 
  4. DECIDE what actions are prudent for you and your family. See below for suggestions. Desired outcomes are: 1) eternal salvation, 2) survival, 3) preservation of wealth, 4) minimization of suffering during the hard times, and 5) maximization of joy now and forever! No matter what your situation is currently, there are actions you can take NOW!
  5. Take ACTION! Plan, prioritize, and DO! Many actions can be completed once and be done, like putting together a long-term food storage. Other actions are established and turned into ongoing  habits or, must I say it, goals. This could be things like your rotated 3-month supply of food or a new budget. In the end I hope you will get prepared for what may come then rebuild life as it should be and 'come what may--and love it!' You will be prepared to help others if things do happen as I anticipate and if not, you will be living life right! Either way you can find joy in the journey.
Listed roughly in order of how they should be addressed. (May be different for you.)
  1. Repent, put God first in your life. (Putting God 1st Post)
  2. Get motivated! Use this as an opportunity to take care of some of the mechanics of money that you should be doing regardless of what you know is coming. (Cash Flow Post)
  3. Core Year Supply (Food Storage Post)
    1. Food/water
    2. Fuel
    3. Clothing
    4. Medicine/Toiletries/Misc
  4. Flesh out food storage with 3-month supply. (Food Storage Post)
  5. 72-hour kits (Food Storage Post)
  6. Emergency Fund
    1. Three months worth of minimum expenses in local currency (U.S. dollars). 
      1. All in small bills or coins (nickels are actually worth more than $.05 in metal) in your possession. 
    2. Nine months of minimum expenses in silver in your possession. (Precious Metals Post)
  7. Home Production
    1. Square foot garden (Garden Post)
    2. Fruit trees
    3. Berries
    4. Perennials (like rhubarb, horseradish, chives, oregano, etc.)
    5. Non-hybrid seeds
    6. Sprouting seeds and supplies
    7. Farm (Farm Post)
    8. Water purification
    9. Tools
  8. Home Storage
    1. Bottles and bottling (also called canning) supplies
    2. Dehydrator
    3. Root cellar
  9. Hunting, Security, and Well-regulated Militia
    1. Guns
    2. Ammo
    3. Experience/knowledge
  10. Get Out of Debt, Including House (Cash Flow Post)
    1. Store/save money in form of precious metals while saving until can pay off house all at once. (Precious Metals Post)
  11. Health
    1. Have medical/dental work done
    2. Take care of your body
  12. Transportation
    1. Bicycles and trailers
  13. Communication
    1. Immediate and extended family communication plan
  14. Maintenance
    1. House (roof, water heater, etc.)
    2. Spare parts for cars
  15. Invest
    1. Extra food storage
    2. Precious metals (Precious Metals Post)
    3. Real estate?
      1. Small farm
    4. Yourself (knowledge, ability to add value to others-barterable skills)
      1. Life mission
    5. Extra guns and ammo
  16. Develop Barterable Skills