Opposite View

Present some of the best material that goes counter to my hypothesis such that truth-seekers can more easily see both sides of the argument as they strive to determine for themselves what is really happening around us.
I have to admit, I have questioned the wisdom in presenting this page. However, in talking with people, I frequently warn them that they simply cannot believe me just because they trust me. Yes, hopefully they can trust me to give them the truth to the best of my ability, but I am fallible and I continue to learn and adjust my hypothesis. I do not know everything. That said, I am very firm in my belief that the underlying root cause of the problems in our world are all the result of the war between good and evil that has been waging since before the earth was created. In addition, I am confident that in order to really be motivated to action, we must each, individually and in our own families, come to find and believe the truth. Without this personal conviction, there is just too much momentum and influence toward being busy and distracted for us to ever get around to taking the actions necessary to prepare for what is coming. Thus I present this page in the hopes that it will help you come to know the truth. Just to be clear. What is presented below, I believe is NOT truth.

  1. Here is a speech by Bernanke June 7, 2011 at the International Monetary Conference: http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bernanke20110607a.htm. He presents a pretty clear Keynesian perspective on what is going on. I would love the chance to sit down with you and discuss it.  

More to come (probably). I don't spend much time looking for counter arguments, but as I come across good material, I will add it. If you find any you think I should share, please add them via comment, I will give them a look.


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