Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dating Bio for Benjamin Gudea Pack

Well, it looks like I will soon be entering the dating scene again.  I must say it appears to be much changed in the last 30 years.  Some things I really like about this online dating world!  Anyhow, I thought I would get a jump on things and publish my bio here.

I am grateful for my savior, and the hope, we can always have through Him and because of Him.  I love the joy that we can have in the journey of life as we choose to remember Him and love and serve one another.

I dream of building, a passive solar/off grid house with a large greenhouse surrounded by lush gardens and food forests. I hope to create a grand child haven, a place where they can come to get back to basics, enjoy time together as a family, and immerse in nature and experience some of the incredible wonders life on this planet has to offer. I also look forward to feeling secure and self-reliant on our Homestead as we watch the world spinning around us. I firmly believe we are living in the last days, and that the Lord has warned and forewarned us of tribulations to come. And I also believe that, as Saints in Zion, we will come together and create something beautiful as we continue to grow and develop spiritually together.  I also acknowledge that now is the time to love and serve as now is the only moment we have access to. 

I look forward to serving many missions with my spouse, exploring the world and getting to know other peoples and cultures deeply as we counsel and labor together while helping gather Israel.  Nothing opens the door to the Holy Spirit more than being edified and rejoicing together while learning and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ, whether as a family or with friends. 

I love to learn and seek wisdom out of the best books. Some of my favorite authors include: president Ezra Taft Benson, Margaret Wheatley, Peter Block, and C. Terry, Warner and James Ferrell of the Arbinger Institute. I lovingly refer to “Bonds that Make Us Free” as ‘the good book,’ as it has helped me tremendously learn, and make the choice, to love. Which I view as core to my purpose on this earth.  God is Love after all. 

I seek an eternal companion to join me, and help me along this most wonderful journey through life. Neither is the man without the woman. I can’t do it alone. I need you!  I love loving my spouse. Nothing in life brings more joy, satisfaction, motivation, and goodness than loving, and being loved by, the woman at my side, as we partner with God and counsel and labor together to accomplish, to the best of our ability, what we feel He desires of us.

If you would like to learn more, please reach out!  Let’s go do something fun and get to know each other face-to-face. 



P.S. After sifting through what must be thousands of women's profiles on Mutual (all women in the US ages 40-57, and all women in the world of same ages, but who attend church as often as possible and have a temple recommend, early Oct. 2024), the following things strike me as important for me to strive toward, and to seek for in a spouse:

  1. Christ-centered life: children, temple, church, missions, love, service, testimony. Living at a higher and holier plane: “ I want someone who is flawed – and humble – who can kneel to his father in heaven and pray, and kneel one day in front of me and ask me to be with him forever!”

  2. End of world view: understand the awfulness of our situation AND stay on the good ship Zion; distrust of gvt./jab, liberty, 

  3. Homesteading, self-reliance, gardening, canning, own passive solar home with land and gardens and animals

  4. Healthy cooking, good restaurants

  5. Physical attraction, looks, smile, shining eyes, vitality, cuddling

  6. Laughter, conviviality, banter, teasing, flirting, witty

  7. Music, playing, listening to

  8. Arts, theater

  9. Connection, intimacy, trust, opening up, emotionally available, commitment, friendship, called by name, understanding feminine (being) and masculine (doing) energy, respect, honor “Brethren, your foremost priesthood duty is to nurture your marriage – to care for, respect, honor, and love your wife. Be a blessing to her and your children.” ~Nelson

  10. Communication, counsel together, honest, open

  11. Labor together, support each other in dreams, progression.  Serious, solemnities of eternity.  

  12. Learning. Education. Travel? Languages. Reading. 

  13. Family. Time together. Teaching the kids. Relationships. Loves the kids/grandkids. Build a peaceful gathering place welcoming family and friends.  

  14. Fiscally responsible.  Financial independence.  Frugality. Job.

  15. Wholesome recreation. Uplifting, clean movies, nature (no service), travel?

  16. Commitment to the future, planning, goal-setting

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