Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dating Bio for Benjamin Gudea Pack

Well, it looks like I will soon be entering the dating scene again.  I must say it appears to be much changed in the last 30 years.  Some things I really like about this online dating world!  Anyhow, I thought I would get a jump on things and publish my bio here.

I am grateful for my savior, and the hope, we can always have through Him and because of Him.  I love the joy that we can have in the journey of life as we choose to remember Him and love and serve one another.

I dream of building, a passive solar/off grid house with a large greenhouse surrounded by lush gardens and food forests. I hope to create a grand child haven, a place where they can come to get back to basics, enjoy time together as a family, and immerse in nature and experience some of the incredible wonders life on this planet has to offer. I also look forward to feeling secure and self-reliant on our Homestead as we watch the world spinning around us. I firmly believe we are living in the last days, and that the Lord has warned and forewarned us of tribulations to come. And I also believe that, as Saints in Zion, we will come together and create something beautiful as we continue to grow and develop spiritually together.  I also acknowledge that now is the time to love and serve as now is the only moment we have access to. 

I look forward to serving many missions with my spouse, exploring the world and getting to know other peoples and cultures deeply as we counsel and labor together while helping gather Israel.  Nothing opens the door to the Holy Spirit more than being edified and rejoicing together while learning and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ, whether as a family or with friends. 

I love to learn and seek wisdom out of the best books. Some of my favorite authors include: president Ezra Taft Benson, Margaret Wheatley, Peter Block, and C. Terry, Warner and James Ferrell of the Arbinger Institute. I lovingly refer to “Bonds that Make Us Free” as ‘the good book,’ as it has helped me tremendously learn, and make the choice, to love. Which I view as core to my purpose on this earth.  God is Love after all. 

I seek an eternal companion to join me, and help me along this most wonderful journey through life. Neither is the man without the woman. I can’t do it alone. I need you!  I love loving my spouse. Nothing in life brings more joy, satisfaction, motivation, and goodness than loving, and being loved by, the woman at my side, as we partner with God and counsel and labor together to accomplish, to the best of our ability, what we feel He desires of us.

If you would like to learn more, please reach out!  Let’s go do something fun and get to know each other face-to-face. 



P.S. After sifting through what must be thousands of women's profiles on Mutual (all women in the US ages 40-57, and all women in the world of same ages, but who attend church as often as possible and have a temple recommend, early Oct. 2024), the following things strike me as important for me to strive toward, and to seek for in a spouse:

  1. Christ-centered life: children, temple, church, missions, love, service, testimony. Living at a higher and holier plane: “ I want someone who is flawed – and humble – who can kneel to his father in heaven and pray, and kneel one day in front of me and ask me to be with him forever!”

  2. End of world view: understand the awfulness of our situation AND stay on the good ship Zion; distrust of gvt./jab, liberty, 

  3. Homesteading, self-reliance, gardening, canning, own passive solar home with land and gardens and animals

  4. Healthy cooking, good restaurants

  5. Physical attraction, looks, smile, shining eyes, vitality, cuddling

  6. Laughter, conviviality, banter, teasing, flirting, witty

  7. Music, playing, listening to

  8. Arts, theater

  9. Connection, intimacy, trust, opening up, emotionally available, commitment, friendship, called by name, understanding feminine (being) and masculine (doing) energy, respect, honor “Brethren, your foremost priesthood duty is to nurture your marriage – to care for, respect, honor, and love your wife. Be a blessing to her and your children.” ~Nelson

  10. Communication, counsel together, honest, open

  11. Labor together, support each other in dreams, progression.  Serious, solemnities of eternity.  

  12. Learning. Education. Travel? Languages. Reading. 

  13. Family. Time together. Teaching the kids. Relationships. Loves the kids/grandkids. Build a peaceful gathering place welcoming family and friends.  

  14. Fiscally responsible.  Financial independence.  Frugality. Job.

  15. Wholesome recreation. Uplifting, clean movies, nature (no service), travel?

  16. Commitment to the future, planning, goal-setting

Monday, September 23, 2024

 Elumenate, BLLC 2024 Annual Report

A Utah Benefit Company since 2022

Benefit Decisions, Actions, and Results

As a Benefit Company, in decision making, Elumenate, BLLC seeks to consider the effect of any action or inaction on: 

  1. The members of Elumenate, BLLC

  2. The employees and workforce of Elumenate, BLLC

  3. The interests of customers as beneficiaries of Elumenate, BLLC's general public benefit purpose or specific public benefit purpose of “Building a Better World” 

  4. Community and societal considerations, including those of each community in which offices or facilities of Elumenate, BLLC or the benefit company's subsidiaries or suppliers are located

  5. The local and global environment

  6. The short-term and long-term interests of Elumenate, BLLC, including benefits that may accrue to the benefit company from the benefit company's long-term plans and the possibility that the interests may be best served by the continued independence of Elumenate, BLLC

  7. The ability of Elumenate, BLLC to accomplish the benefit company's general public benefit purpose and any specific public benefit purpose, including “Building a Better World

The ways in which Elumenate, BLLC pursued the benefit company's general public benefit purpose during the year and the extent to which general public benefit was created

During 2024, we sought to apply the decision-making rubric above resulting in the following decisions:

  1. Use of powder coating instead of volatile-organic-compound-emitting paint

  2. Use of aqueous degreaser instead of solvent

  3. Allowing flexible hours as determined by employees. We also decided this year to have a dual approach to our business to include 1) Connecting as human beings and pursuing our personal development goals and 2) Focusing on business results as a means of achieving increased financial independence and ability to build a better world. 

  4. Minimizing waste

  5. Allowing a high degree of autonomy for our workforce to develop and implement improvement ideas

  6. Providing PPE and emphasizing safety over production

  7. Working hard

Which resulted in:

  1. Company is proving to be a viable source of income to the owner’s family and will likely be able to continue in existence and hopefully fund future benefit activities.  

  2. Fewer emissions to the atmosphere

  3. Less waste disposed of

  4. Good work/life balance for employees

  5. Safe work environment

The ways in which Elumenate, BLLC pursued any specific public benefit that the benefit company's certificate of organization states is the purpose of the benefit company to create and the extent to which the specific public benefit was created

The purpose of Elumenate, BLLC, as declared in the certificate of organization is “Building a Better World.”  We pursued this purpose this year by maintaining the company as a viable company that provides suspended dining chairs to our customers.  The product itself makes the world better by reducing effort needed to maintain a neat and orderly house and reducing wear and tear on floors by the legs of chairs and bar stools.  This creates a space where families can gather and enables parents to spend more time focusing on their children rather than tidying up.  The world is also better from our efforts in that the owner is able to experience increased autonomy and satisfaction in his job.  We also continued managing one rental house, making the world better for the tenants by providing a comfortable place for the tenants to live.

Circumstances that have hindered Elumenate, BLLC’s creation of general public benefit or any specific public benefit

The primary hindrance to creating additional benefit is the workload involved in establishing and operating the business.  It is hoped that as we enter the growth phase, more time and resources will be available to pursue things such as new ways of working/Teal or other positive organization development.  It is also hoped that more effort can be applied to process improvement thereby freeing additional time to be spent “Building a Better World.”

The process and rationale for selecting or changing the third-party standard used to prepare the benefit report

Elumenate, BLLC has chosen to assess ourselves against the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.  It is believed that this will provide a broad context from which to consider ways of “Building a Better World.”  It is also freely available and will not waste scarce company resources, which can instead be allocated toward “Building a Better World.”  

Assessment of the overall social and environmental performance of Elumenate, BLLC against a third-party standard

This assessment shall be:

(i) Applied consistently with any application of the standard in prior benefit reports; or

(ii) Accompanied by an explanation of the reasons for any inconsistent application

To aid future year assessments to be consistent, the assessment is performed as follows:

  1. Consider each strategic development goal (SDG) individually or in the strategic groupings outlined below in each of the following ways:

    1. Discussion of how this goal applies, or could apply to Elumenate, BLLC

    2. As appropriate, develop key performance measures (KPMs).

    3. Actions taken in the past year in support of the SDG and the beneficial results from those actions

    4. Opportunities for further improvement


Currently Elumenate, BLLC impacts poverty primarily by creating a value stream that otherwise would not exist.  By doing this, additional value is brought into the world, which provides opportunity for our employees to work and earn money, provides profit to the members, and creates demand for raw materials, parts, and services, which provides income to those involved in providing such.  

Key Performance Measures

Revenue received in each of the following areas:

  1. Employee wages, including taxes

  2. Profit 

  3. Expenses for materials, parts, and services

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

We hired a marketing czar and developed plans to layout the shop to further streamline production with the following results for the time period 10/1/23-9/23/24:

  1. $11k paid to employees

  2. $163k profit to members

  3. $185k to suppliers


  • Grow the business.

  • Create more jobs, more economic activity, more value creation.

  • Volunteer at local food bank or other community service as a team.


No current direct application.  

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Provided jobs to individuals who were in need of cash to pay bills, potentially keeping them from food insecurity.


  • Grow the business, create more jobs.

  • Company meals.


One of our primary company values is loving ourselves.  This means we care about our health and safety.

Key Performance Measures

Number of lost work days due to injury.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Provided PPE:

    • Gloves

    • Safety glasses

    • Respirators

    • Ear protection

    • Welding gear

  • Low VOC aqueous degreasers

  • Fire extinguishers

  • Powder coat instead of liquid paint

  • Health insurance for managing director’s family, workers’ comp for employees

Resulting in zero lost time work days due to injuries.


  • Provide health insurance for employees.

  • Create positive and inclusive work culture that builds upon our spiritual natures.

  • Integrate work with family living.  Healthy work life balance.

  • Weld fume exhaust treatment.


Various skills are required to run the business, providing opportunities for on-the-job training.  We could also support the educational pursuits of our employees.

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • On-the-job training provided to employees.

  • Self-learning from the web also happened.

Resulting in we got the job done, with very few quality issues.


  • Trades education: welding, powder coating, etc.

  • Apprentice program.


Hiring and promotion within the company.

Key Performance Measures

Percent of employees male and female. 

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Hired female welder. 

Resulting in a workforce of substantially one male and one female.


  • Equal pay, when female is hired.

  • Assign job duties commensurate with abilities.


No current application identified.

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

Utilized our access to clean water and sanitation via restroom and kitchen facilities provided to employees on site.


None identified.


Use of.

Key Performance Measures

Percent of power from clean sources.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Utilized access to affordable energy.

Resulting in energy used, but from unknown sources via the grid and from generators.  


  • Solar panels

  • Three-phase converter


Creating within the company.

Key Performance Measures

Number of full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Value stream created

  • Flexible hours

  • Decent pay

  • Purchased large portable swamp cooler

Resulting in less than one FTE employee.


  • Grow the business

  • Maintain flexibility

  • Build to stock core product

  • Insulate and seal shop


Developing infrastructure to operate the business.  Capitalizing on innovation within the company.  Being industrious.

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Very flexible idea implementation encouraging innovation amongst employees.

  • Improvement idea discussion ‘breaks’

  • Equipment purchased

Resulting in being able to get the job done. 


  • Ironworker

  • Automatic bandsaw

  • Product redesign

  • Standardize

  • Expand in sheds

  • Concrete work

  • Solar power

  • 3-phase


Within the company and with our customers

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Reasonable wage versus minimum possible

  • Provided some job opportunities

  • I charge more for some fancier chairs, while offering a cheaper option with stools

Resulting in employees feeling fairly treated.


  • Have more cheap options so those with less money can enjoy our product

  • Charge more for custom and fancier options so those with the means can get what they want, but have to pay for it.

  • Pay more in wages


Run the business in a sustainable way.

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Aqueous degreaser

  • No VOC powder coat versus paint

  • Minimize waste

  • Recycle and reuse packaging, minimizing packaging

  • Refurbishing existing systems and reusing

  • Home-based business

Resulting in reduced waste in landfills and less air pollution.


  • Reclaim powder

  • Solar power

  • Solar degreaser heater


How we run the business.

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Reduced discharges to the environment

  • Land

    • Minimized waste created

    • Proper solid waste disposal

  • Water

    • Minimal water used. 

  • Air

    • Minimize chemical use

    • aqueous degreaser.

Resulting in less harm to local environment. 


  • Waste oil furnace

  • Repair leaky equipment

  • Improved paint booth filtration


Support local government.

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Abiding by all applicable laws and regulations including:

    • Business license

    • Legal entity

    • Employee reporting

    • Tax payment

Resulting in supporting government financially and not being a drain on resources.


  • None identified


Use for strategic planning.  

Key Performance Measures

None identified.

Actions Taken and Beneficial Results

  • Using these strategic development goals to guide our benefit LLC strategic thinking.

Resulting in a broader assessment of our benefit opportunities than likely would have otherwise happened and readers of this report may become more familiar with the SDGs.


None identified.

Connection between the organization that established the third-party standard, or the organization's directors or officers, or a holder of 5% or more of the governance interests in the organization, and Elumenate, BLLC or the benefit company's members, managers, or officers or any holder of 5% or more of the outstanding interests in the benefit company, including any financial or governance relationship that might materially affect the credibility of the use of the third-party standard.

No connection.

Thank you for reading!  End of Report.